Thursday, 15 December 2011

Frikkie Awesome Top 10 Holiday Tips

So now that it is officially HOLIDAY time(for most of us at least), we thought we would share with you some of our holiday tips... Now it is very important that you abide by these, if not, you must prepare to deal with the consequences!!! So here they are: 

1. SUNSCREEN!!!!! Now this is a very important SUMMER holiday tip, not because your mom told you to put it on or because you heard it in some song from the 90's... But simply because nobody wants to look like a RED LOBSTER on holiday!! Come on people, we have an image to to live up to here, and no one looks good bright red!!
2. This is for all the Frikkie Awesome LADIES out there... Its December. Not VAJANUARY!!! Tip numero 2 is... WAX!!! Enough said!!!

3. Seeing as though the ladies got a tip, GUYS, this one is for you... Looking like Chewbaca or a grizzly bear on the beach is a NO GO!! Wax that back hair!!! Its gross, and no one wants to be associated with you when you look as though you have just stepped out of a National Geographic documentary about CAVE MEN!!!

4. TOLL FEES. Now these might seem like a silly hindrance on your way to the coast. BUT. Imagine getting to the toll gate and being R3,50 short?!?! That would just be awkward. BUT not as awkward as having to reverse out of the toll gate and asking the que of 68 cars behind you to do the same... NOT COOL!!!!

5. The holiday for most of us is give or take 3 weeks long... So simply put. DON'T SPEND all your money in the first 3 days!!! You still have New Years eve to save for... And that's a pricey one!! So pace yourself..

6. CHRISTMAS DAY. We all know what happens each and every christmas. LOTS OF FOOD!!! So, Frikkie Awesome recommends pacing yourself during the feasting of Christmas.. This means that you should not PIG yourself out on starters... Wait for the MAIN COURSE to start smashing food in your beak! It will be worth the wait...

7. NEW YEARS EVE. This is without a doubt one of the biggest party nights on the calendar for the year. So this means that you gotta make sure you PACE YOURSELF when it come to the consuming of alcohol! Its rather awkward being that guy or girl and missing out on the new years countdown! Its just not done!!!
8. Beach time is the best time on a summer holiday. But beach time during the heat of the day can get rather uncomfortable. So a top tip from us is to make sure you are wearing some sort of SLOP/SANDAL/SHOE to protect your soft city slicker feet. Trust us. It burns like HELL!!!

9. MUSIC. An important necessity on any holiday trip. Wether you be in a car, a boat or even an airplane. MUSIC is a must have accessory!! Make sure to include some sweet Christmas jams like Fulka's Christmas cd or even Jaco + Z-Dog's Summer Time Hits which you can download for FREE and GRATIS!!! BOOM!!!!

10. DRIVING. Now if you are driving somewhere this holiday. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take it easy. The beach or wherever you are going is not planning on disappearing  for a while. So take your time and make sure you stop enough times. you can never have to many garage pies!!!

So from all of us at Frikkie Awesome, we wish you an AWESOME festive season!!! Relax, Enjoy and come home safe!! Peace out... BOOM!!!

The last Tings gig... Like EVER!!!

Yep... You read right... Tonight is the final gig that Tings an' Times Hatfield will be hosting. After 16 years of providing the Snor City with a venue to go and watch bands perform on stage, Tings an'Times Hatfield is closing its doors. Today marks a sad day for loyal Tings fans. Yes, their Waterglen branch shall still remain open, but as you all know, there is no live music at that venue. So for one last night, Tings an' Times Hatfield is hosting "The End of an Era" party. There is no entrance fee tonight, which is awesome, because there are a couple of bands playing... These include Dubway, Scicoustic, Haggis and Bong, Son, Silver Planet, If 6 was 9, Zef Leppard and Marek. This is one party that is NOT to be missed!!! Doors open at 6pm... See you all there!! POW!!!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Have Yourself a Frikkie Awesome Christmas

This past Friday Frikkie Awesome celebrated the end of the year and sommer Christmas at the same time.
We had a spit braai with lots and lots of food and drinks and fun and AWESOMENESS!!!
Below is a few Christmas table ideas and a look of what we were up to!

The Drinks Table:
*It is always a good idea to have a drinks table, in fact, its the BEST idea for your Christmas party. A cold and refreshing punch is always a winner winner chicken dinner!! We had Gin and Dry lemon/Tonic, Water with mint, lemon and ice, white wine, an awesome Sangria and of course.. BEER!! (Recipe for the sangria wiil be coming your way in 2012)

*Make yourself cool SnorStraws by printing and cutting out any Snor shape of your choice and then make a whole in it for the straw. Those bendy straws are ideal for this!!
*If you are having a spit braai, like we did, you should have some snacks for your guests to keep them from eating each other while waiting for the real food!! We smashed some chips and dips in our faces!
*Set the mood by playing some Christmas classics, or click this link and download the Fulka Christmas EP FREE:

The Skaap Spit Braai:
*The guys have always talked about having a spit braai, so this year we decided to test it out. Its pretty easy if you kinda know what you are doing. You can rent a spit for a day from CHG Function Hire, they drop it off at your house and the pick it up again, which is quite sweet!! We spitted half a lamb and are SUPER keen to spit a whole bear next year!!!

The Table:
*Make Christmas tree decorations by using different size and coloured buttons. You just put a wire through the button holes, then make a star shape at the top to hang from the tree. These button decorations can also be used as a gift wrapping decorations. SWEET DEAL!!

Easy Gift Idea:
The Party Vibes:
 Merry Christmas from all of us here at Frikkie Awesome and a Happy New Year to you all!!

Cape Town... Here we COME!!!

Whats a happening capital city!?!?! So... Here's some news for you. 1/3 of Frikkie Awesome has relocated to the Mother City, ie. CAPE TOWN!!! So what does this mean for you... Well simply put... We are taking over SOUTH AFRICA from both sides!!! This means you can look froward to more posts in and around CAPE TOWN from parties to places to see, things to do etc etc... So keep an eye on the blog for TWICE the amount of AWESOME!!!!

So, for our first post concerning the Cape... Check out this Thursday nite VIBE!!!!

Its time again for another of the Converse Block Parties. This time its all going down at The Assembly in Harrington Street! Like we said, this is all happening on Thursday night, the 15th of December!!! BOOM!! Expect to see the likes of Shadow Club, Sibot, 340ml, Felix Laband and many more!! This is definately a party not to be missed!!

See you all there on Thursday nite... Later.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Easy Cheese Scones

With the holiday season upon us this recipe is perfect for those lazy holiday mornings and its quick and really easy to make!

What you need:  *Makes +- 9 Muffins.
1 cup grated Cheese
1 cup Flour
2 t Baking powder
1 Egg
3/4 cup Milk
1 t Salt

How to make it:
- Preheat the oven to 220'C and grease a muffin pan.
- Mix all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl.
- Spoon the mixture into the muffin pan.
- Bake in the preheated oven for 10-12minutes.

- Remove from the oven and allow to cool for +-10 minutes.
- Serve with butter and preserves or whatever you feel like.
Eat and Enjoy!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Kamers Vol Geskenke, Irene 2011

*Rooms Full of Gifts, and that is exactly what it was.

Vanaf 29 November tot 3 Desember 2011 het die Kamers Vol Geskenke span al die opwinding van die plaaslike skou na die Open Window School of Visual Communication in Irene gebring, waar hulle die beste van die beste handgemaakte ware vertoon het. Daar was alles te siene van juwele, keramiek, sagte meubilering, eetgerei, dekor-bykomstighede, ontwerper tuin goed en klere, Kamers Vol Geskenke fokus nie in die perfek gemaak of die massa geproduseer nie - dit gaan oor hoë kwaliteit handwerk met die klem op effens onvolmaakte, tydlose en oorspronklik ontwerp.

Hier is n paar fotos wat Frikkie Awesome gaan neem het om die uniekheid en atmosfeer van Kamers Vol geskenke vas te vang.

Photographs by Frikkie Awesome Team Member:  Jemma Blom 

As jy die jaar se Kamer Vol Geskenke gemis het sluit aan by hulle facebook blad:  om op hoogte te bly oor die nuutste gebeure. Besoek ook hulle webblad vir meer informasie: 

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Thursday Night Vibes

Whats up Snor City?!?! Pretoria is looking amazing after all this rain we've been having! Don't know what to do this Thursday night...? What better way to experience the city then to get out there and breathe in the Snor Baai beauty!!

Why not kick-off the last month of 2011 with an eventful Thursday night!!Start your Thursday night off with Christmas Shopping under the stars at Alfresco @ Duncan Yard, this event starts at 16:00.


After you have presents for everyone you can think of, head off the Tings an' Times in Hatfield. Tings is closing down the 15th of December, so come join these guys for one last time! The line-up includes Bittereinder, Yesterday's Pupil, Fulka, DJ's Moe & Minx. Fulka will open the evening with a beautiful set at around 21:00 and Bittereinder will screen and launch their brand new music video for "Solidariteit". Check out the Facebook Event Page for all the details! So if you are in the 012 make sure you don't miss this one, it is going to be BEFRIK!!!!
That sounds like a wicked Thursday night to us!!!
Be safe PreSNORia!